5K Points Senior Ladies Final At The 2019 Terras do Infante Results
The Senior Ladies inline speed skating final at the 2019 Terras do Infante was and extremely high paced and super competitive race. The XVI International Tournament of Speedskating “Terras do Infante” took place in Lagos (Algarve-Portugal) on April 5, 6 and 7, 2019.

The Senior Ladies started fast and there was a lot of movement as skaters worked hard to hold a good position in a chaotic skating pack. Stien Vanhoutte (Belgium), skated very well early, leading with 5 points near the mid point of the action packed inline skate race.
Aura C Quintana Herrera, skating for Colombia, then picked up a couple of points, leading Vanhoutte by one. Clémence De Mallevoue Halbout, skating for France began making her presence felt, working to the front and starting to close the point gap.

Going into the final lap Herrera (8 Points) had a massive three point lead over Halbout (5 Points) and Vanhoutte (5 Points), and looked to be in good position for a first place finish. This is when Halbout made her move, powering past the other skaters and willing herself to be the first skater to reach the finish line.
Halbout would earn three points for finishing first, putting her in a tie with Herrera, who also finished with eight total points. Winning the final lap would give Halbout the top spot on the podium, which was quite an accomplishment considering the talented female skating athletes to skate in this highly competitive championship race.

Terras do Infante 2019 | 5K Points Senior Ladies Final Results
- Clémence De Mallevoue Halbout Bont Team FR
- Aura Cristina Quintana Herrera Vitoria-Gasteiz International Team CO
- Nymphe Keuleers Reko Rollerclub Zemst BE 5
- Stien Vanhoutte Zwaantjes Rollerclub Zandvoorde BE
- Marie Dupuy Eoskates World Team FR
- Andreia Canha GD Lagoa Algarve PT
- Andrea Lokvencová Ksbm Praha CZ
- Teresa Moreno Balague Federació Catalana De Patinatge
- Carolina Ferreira GD Lagoa Algarve / Team Bont Europe
- Francesca Bettrone Alessi World Be+Ve Team IT
- Carla Donoso Roig Cdt In-Gravity ES
- Ana Humanes C.M.P Arganda Del Rey ES
- Ines Luna Sanchez Cdt In-Gravity ES
- Vera Huys Rolschaatsclub Heverlee BE
- Haila Brunet Álvarez Cuba CU
- Angelina Otto Rsv Blau-Weiß Gera E.V. DE
- Margarida Alves Sousa Arsenal De Canelas PT
Follow the Terras do Infante Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/terrasdoinfante/
Watch more inline skating race videos on the YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSEAhs-LgODjXXiIF3r-BlQ
Watch more inline speed skating race videos on Roller Lagos TV.
Don’t forget to visit the Patinagem Velocidade Portugal website for latest news about speedskating http://www.patinagemvelocidadeportugal.com